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Our Alumni

Once a member of the Moor Park community you remain so for life and are always welcome back through our doors.

We encourage our alumni to stay in touch by becoming part of the Moor Park Society, which makes connecting with old friends and colleagues, sharing stories and staying up to date with the latest from the school both easy and enjoyable.

Members will receive a biannual newspaper, The Moor Park Chronicle, incorporating both Crusts & Crumbs and The Stag (first edition landing on your doormat next term). You will also receive invitations to reunions and other events, find out about fundraising initiatives and how our alumni community is helping to make a Moor Park childhood accessible to more families.

For regular news and chat, follow our new Moor Park Society & Friends  Facebook page


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Share Your Stories

Reminisce, recollect and reconnect - we want to hear your Moor Park memories.

Founders' Fund 

Be part of Moor Park's future - together we will change lives.

Find out more

Come to Our Events

Hear about about future Alumni Events happening this term.

Events and Reunions

We hope you enjoy the photos of our 60th Anniversary Ball