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Boarding Contact

Booking in for ad hoc Boarding

To book your child in to board please email

Email contacts for Houseparents

Miss Sewell (Boys' Houseparent) : and Mrs Dunham (Girls' Houseparent):

Out of Hours Contact

If you need to reach a Houseparent or your child outside of the normal school day please use the numbers below:

Main House (Houseparents)
01584 872435

Boys’ Boarding 1
01584 871502

Boys’ Boarding 2
01584 871503

Girls’ Boarding 1
01584 871504

Girls’ Boarding 2
01584 871505

Mobile Phone Usage

At Moor Park, we have strict guidelines on the use of mobile phones.

Pupils parents have to complete this Microsoft Form: Mobile Phone Usage Agreement

Children can use their mobile phones from 7:30pm in the designated Phone Zones – there is one room on each boarding wing, they have to sign their phone out and sign it back in. If a child comes from further away in the world then a time is organised with the House Parent that is convenient for the child and parent given the relevant time differences. We are always happy to help with this, but we do adhere to these rules.

Those children without mobile phones are able to use the house phone or the front desk phone to call home in the evening.

Mobile phones are locked away outside of the designated phone times.