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After School Club

After School Club is available for children in Kindergarten to Year 3 from 15:45 until 18:00, offering a varied, fun and age-appropriate selection of activities as well as a hot tea. 

Activities vary daily and by season, but might include Forest School, gymnastics, baking, 'crazy science', gardening and sport, with some activities being run by external specialist teachers. Both the younger children and the older children are also given an opportunity to read and practice their spellings.

To manage the group size and offer the most appropriate activities for the children's ages, they are split for After School Club as follows:

Kindergarten & Reception (Early Years) - free play indoors and outdoors.

Year 1 & 2 - a variety of extra-curricular activities, set termly.

Year 3 - similar to Years 1 and 2 but aimed at our top Pre-Prep year group.


Please note that Year 3 After School Club/Activities are included in the termly fee.

Year 3 children who have chosen to board will join the other boarders for supper at 6pm and then on to boarding activities on the wings or elsewhere in school.

For an insight into boarding and the adventures Year 3-8 get up to on the boarding wings, take a look at our boarding pages: