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Speech & Drama

All lessons take place in the vibrant dedicated Speech and Drama classroom which is fitted with a mini stage and professional stage lights. Children are encouraged to bring in used theatre tickets and programmes to add to the classroom displays.  They relate their weekly news, recite poetry and prose, study the history of Theatre, take part in vocal exercises, improvisation work and word games. As they progress, pupils are encouraged to write their own play and direct it in the classroom.  

Benefits of Speech and Drama

  • Increased self-esteem and confidence
  • Increased enjoyment of learning
  • A growing command of language
  • Desire to share and present ideas
  • Desire to read
  • Clearer speech
  • Improved pronunciation
  • Improved tone of voice

Each year there is the option to take part in the Hereford Performing Arts Festival and formal examinations which are moderated by the New Era Academy of Speech and Drama and accredited by OFQUAL and the Office of Qualifications and Examinations Regulations. We currently enjoy a 100% pass rate in these examinations.

Past pupils have won Drama Scholarships and Exhibitions to schools such as Shrewsbury, Stowe, Radley & Christ College Brecon.

Speech and Drama lessons taken by Bev Jenkins are available for children from Year 1 - Year 8 and are in high demand. Please register your interest using the form below.


Speech & Drama Request Form


Name of Childrequired
First Name
Last Name
Parent Namerequired
First Name
Last Name
Lesson Required (Please Tick)required
Does your child have their own instrument or do they need to hire one?*The current charge for instrument hire is £17 per term
*The current charge for instrument hire is £17 per term
I wish my child to have tuition in the above and agree to pay tuition fees and any extra costs in connection with this tuition. I also consent to have my details shared with the music teacher assigned to offer my child's tuition.requiredI agree to give at least half a term's notice in writing to discontinue lessons or the fees in lieu.
I agree to give at least half a term's notice in writing to discontinue lessons or the fees in lieu.